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Diabetic Foot Specialist

Texas Foot & Ankle Specialists, PLLC

Podiatry located in Mesquite, TX, Wylie, TX, Forney, TX & Kaufman, TX

Diabetes increases your risk of foot wounds that can become so severely infected, you risk amputation. Since over half of the foot amputations in the United States are linked to diabetes-related complications, Texas Foot & Ankle Specialists, PLLC, with locations in Mesquite, Wylie, Forney, and Kaufman, Texas, provides comprehensive diabetic foot care. If you have diabetes or notice a foot wound, don’t hesitate another day to book an exam. You can schedule through the website or you can call the clinic nearest you to get started on diabetic foot care right away.

Diabetic Foot Q & A

What is the importance of diabetic foot care?

The goal of diabetic foot care is prevention. By meeting with your podiatrist regularly, you have someone who examines your feet, ankles, and lower legs and looks for problematic issues. Diabetic foot care is important to:

  • Prevent infection 
  • Prevent nerve damage
  • Lower your risk of foot wounds
  • Intervene early if foot wounds develop


You also need ongoing diabetic foot care to check your blood circulation, which is often minimal in your feet. 

Because your risk of peripheral vascular disease (PVD) increases when you have diabetes, tissues may not have an adequate nutrient and oxygen supply. This is why minor wounds can become quickly infected. 


When should I schedule a diabetic foot exam?

Texas Foot & Ankle Specialists podiatrists encourage anyone with prediabetes or diabetes to book regular preventive diabetic foot care exams. In general, your podiatrist wants to evaluate you annually. 

However, if you’re newly diabetic, don’t manage your diabetes well, or have a history of diabetic ulcers, your podiatrist may schedule you for foot exams more frequently.

Outside of your routine diabetic foot exams, you need to come to Texas Foot & Ankle Specialists as soon as possible if you have any of the following issues:

  • Drainage or blood in your socks
  • Brittle, yellow toenails
  • Numbness or tingling
  • Slow-healing wound


You also need to have a diabetic foot exam if you develop corns or calluses. These are warning signs that your shoes may be causing excessive friction, which can increase your risk of foot wounds. 


How can a podiatrist help me care for my feet?

The Texas Foot & Ankle Specialists podiatrists are dedicated to ensuring your feet stay wound- and pain-free. Throughout your diabetic foot care plan, your podiatrist can:

  • Conduct PVD and nerve testing
  • Properly treat wounds (wound debridement)
  • Trim your toenails and remove corns and calluses
  • Fit you for custom orthotics with a digital scanner 
  • Ensure your shoes fit and recommend diabetic footwear


You also receive the education you need to lower your risk of serious foot wounds in the future. Proper toenail trimming, regular foot inspections, and the use of a daily moisturizer are just some of the important steps you need to take to protect your feet. 

Texas Foot & Ankle Specialists, PLLC specializes in integrative diabetic foot care. You can book your diabetes evaluation through the website or over the phone with any office today.